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Whois is a service that provides information about domain names, including registration details such as the owner's contact information, registration and expiration dates, and domain name servers.
You can perform a Whois lookup by visiting a Whois lookup website or using a Whois lookup tool provided by domain registrars. Simply enter the domain name you want to look up, and the tool will provide you with the relevant information.
Yes, Whois information is publicly accessible. It is important to note that some domain owners may choose to keep their contact information private by using domain privacy services offered by registrars.
Whois can be helpful for various reasons, such as identifying the owner of a domain name, verifying domain registration details, investigating intellectual property infringement, and resolving technical issues related to domain management.
Yes, you can update your Whois information through your domain registrar's account management portal. It's important to keep your Whois information accurate and up-to-date to comply with domain registration regulations and ensure smooth communication with domain administrators and users.